Hospitality in the Time of Covid

The global pandemic has presented challenges to so many aspects of our daily lives.  However, one of the most difficult aspects of the pandemic and the associated public health measures for us all to work through has surely been the inability to get together with other people.  We are social beings and our need to connect with others is a very basic and core driver in all of us.  While the temporary measures we face are necessary and important, doing our best to connect and let those around us know they are important to us is also important.  As we look back at some very challenging times what shines through is the indomitable spirit of our clients and their guests.  Those who pursued opportunities to connect, share a moment, and nourish their bodies and their soul.

Here are some of the more successful ways that we have catered to virtual events and our clients show hospitality in the time of covid:

Cooking Classes/Events

Whether with our own chefs or working with others our clients and their guests have had fantastic experiences learning everything from how to ice cookies and build hors dโ€™oeuvres through to achieving a perfectly pan seared steak.  These experiences are fun, engaging, and can scale both in guest involvement and number of participants really well. 

Beer & Wine Tastings

We have had the good fortune to build some great partnerships through these difficult times.  The Flying Somm, aka Ryan Sullivan, hosts virtual wine tasting and food and wine pairing experiences.  They are fun, approachable and great for everyone from the casual sipper to the oenophile. 

Galas, Concerts, and more!

While food is always front and centre for us, we must admit that sometimes it does take a supporting role.  We have had the great good fortune to be able to cater for virtual gala events, concerts, and fundraisers with beautiful menus and other logistical support in distributing events to attendees.

Special Occasions

Some of the more touching moments of connection that we have been able to play our role in has been sharing those annual special occasions with loved ones.  Sending a catered meal on Motherโ€™s Day, Fatherโ€™s Day, Thanksgiving, Valentineโ€™s Day, and throughout the festive season lets those people important in our lives know we are thinking of them, and it is heartening to be a part of it.

We look forward to continuing to help our clients overcome the challenges of the day and create special moments over the weeks ahead.  If you would like to put any of these ideas into practice, or if you have other ideas of how to create connections in these challenging times we would love to hear from you. 

Hospitably Yours,

The Daniel et Daniel Team

Guillaume ClairetHospitality in the Time of Covid

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